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shoulder dislocation

What is shoulder dislocation

The shoulder joint is the most mobile joint in the human body. It can move in multiple directions. Therefore, it is also a fact that it dislocates easily. When dislocated forward, the shoulder labrum and ligaments (anterior inferior joint humeral ligament-labral complex), which are the supporting tissues in front of the shoulder joint, are separated from the scapula joint surface (glenoid), making it easier for the joint to redislocate. It will be in a state where

The shoulder joint is the body's most mobile joint. It can turn in many directions.

Shoulder stability

A partial dislocation (subluxation) means the head of the upper arm bone (humerus) is partially out of the socket (glenoid). A complete dislocation means it is all the way out of the socket. Both partial and complete dislocation cause pain and unsteadiness in the shoulder

Symptoms Symptoms

Symptoms include joint pain, swelling, numbness, weakness, and axillary bleeding.

Shoulder dislocations often damage the labrum, ligaments, tendons, and sometimes nerves. /

The direction in which the shoulder joint dislocates can be anterior, posterior or inferior.

The most common is anterior dislocation, which is said to be 90% anterior.

​When the upper limb is moved from the front to the outside, it dislocates. Even postures like throwing a ball can dislocate it.

Symptoms to look for include:


  • Swelling

  • Numbness

  • Weakness

  • Bruising

Shoulder dislocation may often times tear labrum as well as ligaments or tendons in the shoulder or sometimes damage nerves.

A common type of shoulder dislocation is when the shoulder slips forward (anterior instability  90%)). This means the upper arm bone moved forward and down out of its joint. It may happen when the arm is put in a throwing position


In sports, dislocation of the shoulder joint causes muscle spasm and increased pain. A doctor can examine the shoulder joint and, in the case of an anterior dislocation, feel the head on the side. I need to take an x-ray to find out how the dislocation happened.

It may be accompanied by a fracture, so if you try to reduce it and it is difficult to reduce it, be sure to have an examination at a hospital.

The muscles may have spasms from the disruption, and this can make it hurt more. When the shoulder dislocates time and again, there is shoulder instability.

The doctor will examine the shoulder  and feel femora head in the and may order an X-ray.It is important that the doctor know how the dislocation happened and whether the shoulder had ever been dislocated before.

 Since shoulder dislocation is sometimes associated with fracture,  you may send patients to hospital to carefully evaluate intra-articular pathologies in the hospital.

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