University of Occupational and Environmental Health Wakamatsu Hospital
orthopedics・Sports arthroscopy
Wakamatsu Hospital for University of Occupational and Environmental Health
Orthopedic and Sports Arthroscopy Surgery
ISAKOS approved Teaching Center
Language change
training instructor

Yohei Yukizawa Youhei Yukizawa, MD, Ph.D.
Graduation year: 2006 Faculty of Medicine, University of Tsukuba
■ Specialized field
・Sports orthopedics ・Arthroplasty ・Arthroscopic surgery
■ Society-certified physicians, etc.
・Japanese Orthopedic Society Specialist
・Doctor of Medicine (A)
■ Affiliated academic societies
・Japanese Orthopedic Society
・Japanese College of Rheumatology
・Japan Hip Society
・Japanese Society of Arthritis
■ Reward and punishment
・2010 Kanagawa Orthopedic and Trauma Surgery Society Excellent Paper Award
・2016 The 89th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthopedic Society Excellent Poster Award
■ Career
2004 Yokohama City University Hospital
2006 Yokohama Mariners Insurance Hospital
2007 Yokohama City University Hospital
2008 Yokosuka Northern Mutual Aid Hospital
2009 Saiseikai Wakakusa Hospital
2011 Yokohama City University Orthopedic Surgery Consultant
2012 Assistant Professor
2013 University of Southern California Research fellow
2015 Returned to Yokohama City University Orthopedic Assistant Professor
2016 Occupational and Environmental Health Wakamatsu Hospital Orthopedic Surgery Trainee

■To everyone
My name is Yohei Yukizawa, and I have been working here since April 2016. I belong to the Medical Department of Yokohama City University Orthopedic Surgery, but this year I will be doing a special training at our hospital. Among orthopedic surgeons, I have specialized in the hip joint area for some time. Our hospital specializes in sports plastic surgery and arthroscopic surgery, but the number of hip arthroscopic surgeries is very large compared to other facilities, and many doctors from Japan and abroad come to study. I am one of them, and my goal is to acquire hip arthroscopy techniques and cutting-edge knowledge. Although I am young, I will do my best to help the treatment of many patients.
■ Academic papers
1. Yohei Yukizawa, Yutaka Inaba, Masato Aratake, Izumi Saito, Katsushi Ishii, Takashi Ishida, Naoyuki Iwamoto, Tomoyuki Saito:
Fractures in patients with rheumatoid arthritis and their risk factors. Joint Surgery. 35:109-112, 2008
2 Yohei Yukizawa, Yutaka Inaba, Katsushi Ishii, Takashi Ishida, Naoyuki Iwamoto, Tomoyuki Saito:
Venous thromboembolism in total hip arthroplasty - Usefulness of early diagnosis by blood coagulation markers, and expectations for preventive effect of fondaparinux.
TTM Forum Record. 8:103-110, 2008.
3 Yohei Yukizawa, Yutaka Inaba, Naomi Kobayashi, Takashi Ishida, Naoyuki Iwamoto, Chie Aoki, Hyunmin Choi, Hiroyuki Ike, Tomoyuki Saito:
Early diagnosis using blood coagulation markers and preventive effect of fondaparinux in venous thromboembolism after primary total hip arthroplasty.
Japanese Journal of Artificial Joints. 38:644-645, 2008.
4 Yohei Yukizawa, Hiroaki Sakano, Hidetake Takigami, Satoshi Katsumura, Koji Ishii: Two cases of Boxer's Knuckle treated surgically.
22:49-51, 2009
5 Youhei Yukizawa, Yutaka Inaba, Naomi Kobayashi, Takashi Ishida, Naoyuki Iwamoto, Chie Aoki, Hyunmin Choi, Tomoyuki Saito:
Early diagnosis of venous thromboembolism using soluble fibrin and D-dimer in initial total hip arthroplasty, and the antithrombotic effect of fondaparinux.
Hip Joint. 35:549-553, 2009
6 Y. Yukizawa, Y. Inaba, N. Kobayashi, T. Ishida, N. Iwamoto, H. Min Choi, H. Fujimaki, H. Ike, T. Tezuka, Y. Hirata, T. Saito:
Early diagnosis of venous thromboembolism by soluble fibrintoplasminogen-activating enzyme inhibitory protein.
Japanese Journal of Artificial Joints. 40:458-459, 2010
7 Yohei Yukizawa, Yutaka Inaba, Naomi Kobayashi, Takashi Ishii, Naoyuki Iwamoto, Hyunmin Choi, Hiroshi Fujimaki, Hiroyuki Ike, Taro Tezuka, Yasuhide Hirata, Tomoyuki Saito:
VTE prophylaxis and side effects of fondaparinux blood levels after total hip arthroplasty.
Japanese Journal of Artificial Joints 40:456-457, 2010
8 Yohei Yukizawa, Yutaka Inaba, Naomi Kobayashi, Takashi Ishida, Naoyuki Iwamoto, Hyunmin Choi, Hiroshi Fujimaki, Hiroyuki Ike, Taro Tezuka, Hidehide Hirata, Tomoyuki Saito:
Effect of partial gluteus medius transection in MIS-THA on postoperative outcome.
Hip Joint 36:185-189, 2010
9 Yohei Yukizawa, Hiroaki Banno, Satoshi Katsumura, Hidetake Takigami, Koji Ishii:
Incidence of perioperative venous thromboembolism in proximal femoral fracture and diagnosis by coagulation markers.
Fracture 32:594-597, 2010
10 Yukizawa Y, Inaba Y, Watanabe S, Yajima S, Kobayashi N, Ishida T, Iwamoto N, Choe , Saito T:
Association between venous thromboembolism and plasma levels of both soluble fibrin and plasminogen-activator inhibitor 1 in 170 patients undergoing total hip arthroplasty.
Acta Orthop. 83:14-21, 2012.
11 Yukizawa Y, Inaba Y, Watanabe S, Yajima S, Kobayashi N, Ishida T, Iwamoto N, Choe , Nakamura M, Saito T:
Plasma accumulation of fondaparinux 2.5 mg in patients after total hip arthroplasty.
J Thromb Thrombolysis. 34:526-32, 2012.
12 Yukizawa Y, Inaba Y, Kobayashi N, Ike H, Kubota S, Saito T:
Selective pharmacological prophylaxis based on individual risk assessment using plasma levels of soluble fibrin and plasminogen-activator inhibitor-1 following total hip arthroplasty.
Modern Rheumatology, 24:835-9, 2014
13 Yukizawa Y, Dorr LD, Ward JA, Wan Z:
Posterior Mini-Incision With Primary Total Hip Arthroplasty: A Nine to Ten Year Follow Up Study.
J Arthroplasty. 2015 in press
■ Books/Reviews
1 Yohei Yukizawa: Worry Counseling Room for Orthopedic Nurses. Orthopedic nursing. Medica Publishing: p90-91, 2012
2 YukizawaYohei et al.: Hip joint diseases in adults 10.Other diseases calcific tendinitis, sclerosing iliac osteitis, diffuse idiopathic osteoproliferative disease, Otto pelvis.
股SekiPrudence. Edited by Shunichi Kubo. Kompodo: p865-871, 2014
3 Yukizawa Y, Dorr LD: Principles of total hip replacement.Successful Techniques for Total Hip Replacement, Future
Medicine Ltd: p18-33, 2014
4 Dorr LD, Yukizawa Y: Primer for computerized instruments for total hip replacement.
Total Hip Replacement, Future Medicine Ltd: p160-170, 2014